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Professor İçduygu has written and edited extensively on international migration to and from Turkey, globalization, citizenship and transnational migrant networks. His most recent work includes "Critical Reflections in Migration Research: Views from the South and the North" (co-edited with Ayşem Biriz Karaçay) and "Rethinking Migration and Incorporation in the Context of Transnationalism and Neoliberalism" (co-edited with Zeynep Gülru Göker).

Critical Reflections in Migration Research: Views from the South and the North

Koç University Press, Istanbul, 2015 (edited with Ayşem Biriz Karaçay)

Rethinking Migration and Integration: Bottom-up Responses to Neoliberal Global Challenges

Isis Publication, Istanbul, 2015 (edited with Gülru Göker)

Migration around Turkey: Old Phenomena, New Research

Isis Publication, Istanbul, 2013 (edited with Deniz Yükseker  and  Damla B. Aksel)

Countries of Migrants, Cities of Migrants (eds.)

Isis Publication, Istanbul, 2013 (edited Marcello Balbo and Julio Pérez Serrano)

Borders Under Stress: The Cases of Turkey-EU and Mexico-USA Borders, (eds.)

Isis Publication, Istanbul, 2012 (edited with Deniz Sert).

Kentler ve Göç (Cities and Migration), (ed.)

İstanbul Bilgi Universitesi Yayınları, Istanbul, 2012 (in Turkish).

Migration and Transformation: Multi-Level Analysis of Migrant Transnationalism

Springer, London and New York, 2012 (edited with Pirkko Pitkänen ve Deniz Sert).

Küreseleşme, Avrupalılaşma ve Türkiye’de Vatandaşlık’ [Globalization, Europeanization and Citizenship in Turkey],

İstanbul Bilgi Universitesi Yayınları, Istanbul, 2009, (edited with Fuat Keyman)

Land of Diverse Migrations: Challenges of Emigration and Immigration in Turkey

Bilgi University Press, Istanbul, 2009, (edited with Kemal Kirisci)

Citizenship in a Global World: European Questions and Turkish Experiences

Routledge, London, 2005, (edited with E. F. Keyman).

Irregular Migration in Turkey

International Organization for Migration, Geneva, 2003.

Yurtdışından Gelenlerin Nicelik ve Niteliklerinin Tespitinde Sorunlar’ [Problems in the Identification of Quantities and Qualities of Immigrants]

Türkiye Bilimler Akademisi, Ankara, 2005, (with Şule Toktaş)

Türkiye’de İçgöç [International Migration in Turkey]

Yurt Yayınları, Istanbul, 1998, (edited with İbrahim Sirkeci and İsmail Aydıngül).

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